STEM Youth After-school Programs

STEM Youth After-school Programs

Thank you for your interest in Skillcity’s STEM After-School Program, in collaboration with the City of Edmonton.

The program aims to bolster STEM education among youth, particularly those from underrepresented backgrounds, through community-based out-of-school activities as part of a broader STEMCEL strategy. It offers the iRockSTEM, equipped with cutting-edge technology like VR and 3D printers, for individuals aged 8 and up to explore STEM subjects. Additionally, the STEM Heroes+ mentoring program focuses on building youth confidence and motivation to pursue STEM careers. Overall, the initiative provides comprehensive support to help students enter and succeed in STEM career pathways.

On-Going Programs

iRockSTEM (8-13 years)

Mondays 3:30- 5:30 pm
Wednesdays (Open Lab)3:30-5:30pm
@MP2 Clareview Rec Centre

The program provides community-based out-of-school support to youth for STEM-based subject areas, to help improve educational outcomes. This is part of our STEMCEL strategy. To increase the participation of traditionally underrepresented students in STEM disciplines by providing wraparound programming that strengthens the pipeline that brings students into STEM career pathways through a variety of out-of-school activities.

Youth Rocks
(Junior and High Schoolers)

Wednesdays 3:30-5:30pm
@MP4 Terwillegar Rec Centre

YouthRocks is brought to you by Riverbend ROCKS, in partnership with Skillcity Institute and the City of Edmonton, It is a platform where dreams, aspirations, and capabilities converge. Designed exclusively for middle-school and high-school students like you, our program is here to guide you through the vital steps of your academic, career, and life paths - all at no cost!

STEM Heroes+
(Junior and High Schoolers)

Thursdays 3:30-5:30pm
@MP2 Clareview Rec Centre

STEM Heroes+ is a mentoring program that has been designed to build youth confidence by helping them feel a sense of belonging in the STEM community and increasing their motivation and capacity to pursue enriching STEM careers.

Found something interesting ?

You will gain first-hand experience by applying knowledge and problem-solving skills while developing self-awareness and immense personal growth through collaboration with peers, project-based mentors, and working with different organizations and professionals in various industries.

What people say?

Excerpts from testimonials gathered from Skillcity’s programs.

This program helped me to build a great list of resources. It was very well planned and well worth the time investment. I definitely feel more prepared and ready to tackle my next steps in my business venture. Also having these contacts is a great feeling, as it makes me feel like I have a support network already in place and a whole bunch of resources I can use to my benefit!"
Rachael M.
Thursday, August 31, 2021
Before this session, I really hadn't thought about my personal qualities, abilities and talents. Actually, I thought I had no talents at all, but now I see that I have some creative talents. I can now create video game stories with online tools, and even co-create with my friends, even if we can't meet up because of COVID-19. We can actually create video game characters and sell to big companies and make some money. This stuff is really cool."
Femi A.
Thursday, August 25, 2023
"I was really getting bored and frustrated with the rules: 'don't go there', 'social distancing', 'you can't go out with your friends'... so many rules. Now, I have something to do with my friends online, we can create cool fun stuff online, and not have to worry about wearing masks or social distancing. That's what I really like about this Skillcity program.
Gabby A.
Thursday, August 15, 2023
Now I can have a little breather; while my kids are developing new skills and making positive connections at the same time. Wow! what a relief! Thank you Skillcity. I don't want this to end (lol)."
Tee O. (parent)
Thursday, August 15, 2023

1 (844) 633-2060

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Skillcity Institute is a social impact organization founded in 2015 in Edmonton, Alberta.

Contact Info

Clareview Recreation Centre 3804 139 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T5Y 3G4
(844) 633-2060

Mon-Thu:  9:30 – 21:00

Fri:  6:00 – 21:00
Sat:  10:00 – 15:00


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